Sunday Mornings

On Sunday mornings, we gather together for 180 at 11:00am in B218 and 219. During this time, students fellowship together and hear a teaching from Jordan followed by small group discussion. Our primary focus at 180, is to teach students the Word of God and help them apply the Word to their lives. 

Wednesday Nights The Journey

The Journey is a time to bring our students together for fellowship and fun! Our goal is to provide a space for students to build meaningful relationships with leaders and peers through sports and games. Students also hear a gospel message or testimony followed by small group discussion time. The Journey is open to any and all middle school students. Come and join us from 6:30-8:00pm in the East Cooper Gym every Wednesday evening.

Upcoming Middle School Events

MSM Spring Retreat

  Friday, April 25       5:30 pm

Connect Camp Student Volunteer Training

  Sunday, May 4       12:15 pm

8th Grade Beach Trip

  Friday, May 16       5 pm

Middle School Boston Mission Trip

  Saturday, June 21       12 am

Sundays at 11:00am

Weekly on Sunday mornings, we gather together for Catalyst in the SLC Gym at 11:00am. This time is set aside for teaching, worshipping, and building relationships with one another!

High School Student Life Groups

Student Life Groups are the heart of the High School Ministry! It's a great opportunity for you to jump into a group with other believers to study God's Word and grow in your relationship with one another. This is where you can pray for each other and you can fight sin together. Essentially, it is the way we do life-on-life discipleship! We encourage you to step outside your comfort zone and join a Student Life Group!

Upcoming High School Events

HSM Basketball Tournament

  Sunday, March 16       5 pm

Connect Camp Student Volunteer Training

  Sunday, May 4       12:15 pm

Student Ministry Staff

Read Bio
Jordan Causey
Middle School Ministry Director
Read Bio
Aslyn Pifer
Middle School Ministry Associate
Read Bio
Mason Whitlock
High School Ministry Director