Living as Exiles 8/11/2019 - 12/22/2019 In This Series Transformative Learning in the Life of Peter A Living Hope The Living Hope Which Sustains in Dark Places Resolute Hope in Grace As Obedient Children, Be Holy (See Clearly and Live with Purpose) Pt. 1 Living As Exiles As Obedient Children, Be Holy (See Clearly and Live with Purpose) Pt. 2 Identity. Indebtedness. Declaration. Holy Warfare Elect Exiles and Supernatural Living: The Christian and Authority Grace-filled, God-saturated Living Called To Endure Suffering Precious in the Sight of God Likewise - Husbands Christ-honoring Living and the Blessing of God The Glory, Goodness, and Reach of the Gospel The Ascension and Reign of Christ Rejoicing: The Good News of Great Joy