Guard The Sacred Trust 5/1/2022 - 8/28/2022 In This Series How to Guard the Entrusted Deposit Guarding the Entrusted Deposit by Waging the Good Warfare The Transformative Power of the Gospel (How Do We Call for the Power of the Holy Spirit?) Guarding the Entrusted Deposit by Praying One Mediator Between God and Men Worship Worship as the Celebration of God's Goodness! Embracing the Generational Calling Getting it Right: The Church at Worship Leaders Who Guard the Sacred Deposit of Faith The Focus of Christ-Centered Friendships The Revealed Secret of Flourishing, Joy, Perseverance and Hope for the Christian Be Enormously Glad…and Very Careful The Good Servant of Jesus Christ Live With Intention Because So Much Is At Stake! A Life of God-honoring Stamina